
Soho Parish Curriculum Statement: English


We aim to inspire our pupils to become voracious readers, who reflect upon and interact with a wide range of literature. By Year 6 they will be able to read any text with ease, using advanced skills such as inference and deduction.  Our pupils will also be confident, innovative authors, who write with conviction and authenticity, using a range of sophisticated devices to convey their meaning. In order to write effectively, children must be eloquent, articulate speakers.  We prepare our children to deliver their messages first orally and then in writing.  


We teach to a 2- year curriculum cycle which has been designed to ensure that children receive the breadth of learning required by the National Curriculum and that there is progression and development of their knowledge, understanding and skills over time, through each phase. Each Literacy unit is linked to the over-arching curriculum concept for that term and makes cross curricular links with learning in other subjects.

  • All class teachers and teaching assistants are trained to deliver the Literacy Tree process, which involves learning and speaking a text aloud, imitating the text, innovating on the text and then independently applying the skills and devices modelled.
  • High quality, enjoyable and diverse books are selected to support the termly concept
  • Picture books are used as a stimulus for writing
  • In KS1, children take part in guided reading lessons based on their phonetic knowledge and assessed reading level
  • In KS2, a chapter book based on the concept is used for whole class guided reading sessions
  • Reception and KS1 follow the ‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds ’ phonics scheme
  • Year 2-6 follow the ‘No Nonsense Spelling’ programme
  • The whole school uses ‘Letter Join’ to teach handwriting
  • Where needed interventions are used to support children working below expectation


Phonics assessments and PM benchmark analysis are conducted termly in EYFS and KS1, and where appropriate in KS2. We also use ‘Rising Stars PIRA and PUMA’ termly tests from Y2-Y6 to track the attainment and progress of pupils, the outcomes of which form the basis for pupil progress meetings, which inform future teaching and interventions. Each teacher assesses their pupils against key performance indicators and work is peer moderated across the school and with our partner schools in the local authority.  Work scrutiny takes place termly, involving the full leadership team and governors at least once per year.