Pupil Well-being

We believe that children must ‘feel well’ before they can ‘do well’.  To this end we teach mindfulness to each class weekly and we manage behaviour by working together with children to put right what has gone wrong, thereby helping them to learn how to manage their own relationships and place in the community (see behaviour).  Our PSHE scheme is full and supports all aspects of personal, social and health development.  

In addition, we have several professionals who work with children to support their emotional needs, starting with Sharon – our wonderful Learning Mentor – who helps children with any barriers to learning and supports families with attendance issues and transfer to secondary school.

We also employ a family therapist from the Anna Freud Centre, who works more intensively with families when children are experiencing emotional difficulties.  At present we are also part of the Trailblazer scheme, which means we have an Emotional Health Therapist in school once a week to support with any emotional needs.

For more details of our mental health offer, please click here: Mental Health and Well-being