Every child has the right to grow up in a safe and caring environment. We work in partnership with parents to ensure children’s rights are protected and their needs are met.
If you have a concern about a child or would like support in your own family, please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead: Oliver Knight (Head of School) or Deputy DSL: Hannah Peaty (Assistant Headteacher) and Alix Ascough (Executive Headteacher) on 0207 4327320.
If you are concerned that a child or young person is being harmed through abuse or neglect you should contact Westminster’s Children's Services Team on 020 7641 4000 or the Police on 999 in emergency situations. The NSPCC Helpline can be contacted for advice on 0808 800 5000.
In this ever changing brave new world of technology, we also have a particular responsibility to keep children safe when using the internet.
1) Firewall & Inappropriate content blocker. The school has a special firewall which is run by the London Grid for Learning, who manage most London primary schools. It prevents access to sites known to host inappropriate material
2) Adult-supervision. Teaching staff are always present when children access the internet via either desktops or tablets.
3) Certified software. All of our software is licensed for use by schools and is age-appropriate and security-checked. Software is installed by our technical support service provider.
4) Education. Whilst we endeavour to shield children from accessing inappropriate content at school, no firewall is ever 100% effective and we acknowledge that the majority of our children will have access to the internet outside of school. We believe that the best way to protect children is by educating them about the dangers so that they can manage and assess the risks for themselves. Therefore, each class has regular lessons on keeping safe while using technology.
We also run regular sessions for parents on how to maintain safe internet use at home.
Every child has the right to grow up in a safe and caring environment. We work in partnership with parents to ensure children’s rights are protected and their needs are met.
If you have a concern about a child or would like support in your own family, please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead: Oliver Knight (Head of School) or Deputy DSL: Hannah Peaty (Assistant Headteacher) and Alix Ascough (Executive Headteacher) on 0207 4327320.
If you are concerned that a child or young person is being harmed through abuse or neglect you should contact Westminster’s Children's Services Team on 020 7641 4000 or the Police on 999 in emergency situations. The NSPCC Helpline can be contacted for advice on 0808 800 5000.
In this ever changing brave new world of technology, we also have a particular responsibility to keep children safe when using the internet.
1) Firewall & Inappropriate content blocker. The school has a special firewall which is run by the London Grid for Learning, who manage most London primary schools. It prevents access to sites known to host inappropriate material
2) Adult-supervision. Teaching staff are always present when children access the internet via either desktops or tablets.
3) Certified software. All of our software is licensed for use by schools and is age-appropriate and security-checked. Software is installed by our technical support service provider.
4) Education. Whilst we endeavour to shield children from accessing inappropriate content at school, no firewall is ever 100% effective and we acknowledge that the majority of our children will have access to the internet outside of school. We believe that the best way to protect children is by educating them about the dangers so that they can manage and assess the risks for themselves. Therefore, each class has regular lessons on keeping safe while using technology.
We also run regular sessions for parents on how to maintain safe internet use at home.
Every child has the right to grow up in a safe and caring environment. We work in partnership with parents to ensure children’s rights are protected and their needs are met.
If you have a concern about a child or would like support in your own family, please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead: Oliver Knight (Head of School) or Deputy DSL: Hannah Peaty (Assistant Headteacher) and Alix Ascough (Executive Headteacher) on 0207 4327320.
If you are concerned that a child or young person is being harmed through abuse or neglect you should contact Westminster’s Children's Services Team on 020 7641 4000 or the Police on 999 in emergency situations. The NSPCC Helpline can be contacted for advice on 0808 800 5000.
In this ever changing brave new world of technology, we also have a particular responsibility to keep children safe when using the internet.
1) Firewall & Inappropriate content blocker. The school has a special firewall which is run by the London Grid for Learning, who manage most London primary schools. It prevents access to sites known to host inappropriate material
2) Adult-supervision. Teaching staff are always present when children access the internet via either desktops or tablets.
3) Certified software. All of our software is licensed for use by schools and is age-appropriate and security-checked. Software is installed by our technical support service provider.
4) Education. Whilst we endeavour to shield children from accessing inappropriate content at school, no firewall is ever 100% effective and we acknowledge that the majority of our children will have access to the internet outside of school. We believe that the best way to protect children is by educating them about the dangers so that they can manage and assess the risks for themselves. Therefore, each class has regular lessons on keeping safe while using technology.
We also run regular sessions for parents on how to maintain safe internet use at home.