What is Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium is an amount of money allocated to schools to improve the educational outcomes of children from low-income families (those who have been eligible for free school meals anytime in the past 6 years) and children who have been ‘Looked After’ (in public care) continuously for more than six months. It was introduced in April 2011 and is currently worth £1345 per pupil (£2345 for Looked-After children).

Schools are responsible for making decisions about how the Pupil Premium is spent to meet the needs of eligible pupils and must publish how the Pupil Premium is spent.

My family is on a low-income & think I might be eligible - what do I do?

We strongly encourage parents who believe they might be eligible to apply - after all, it could mean your child getting free school meals + the school getting well over £1000 extra every year.

For information, please read the Westminster guidance or contact our school office who can advise you further.

How do we spend the pupil premium at Soho Parish Primary School?


As a small school, we are able to tailor support and provision to individual pupils.  Rather than look at pupil premium pupils as a group, we look at any individuals failing to make adequate progress and provide interventions to ensure they ‘catch up’.

 SPS Pupil Premium Statement