

We believe all children can become confident and competent mathematicians.  In order to achieve this, we apply the maths mastery approach in all year groups.  This approach nurtures positive attitudes and builds confidence so that all children can achieve 'mastery'. 


At Soho Parish, we use Power Maths mastery programme to build a deep and secure understanding of maths concepts and develop confidence in maths.

  • All year groups are taught through a mastery approach.
  • Teachers utilise interactive teaching tools, quality textbooks and practice workbooks to support pupils’ learning.
  • Lessons are broken down into small connected steps, building on prior learning and ensuring a good grasp of each concept before moving on to the next. 
  • Physical resources are used to understand concepts and varied representations are used to expose the mathematical structure being taught.
  • Pupils move from concrete to pictorial to abstract thinking to support their conceptual understanding.
  • Opportunities for reasoning and problem solving are integrated into every lesson 
  • Different methods and strategies are discussed every lesson to support fluency and develop flexibility in problem solving
  • Teaching promotes fluent recall of number facts
  • Immediate interventions are provided daily to ensure no pupil falls behind
  • Maths meetings are used to revisit prior concepts and consolidate learning
  • Songs and games are used across the school to promote enjoyment, engagement and memory retention.


Teachers assess pupils' learning in every lesson in order to inform their planning for the next, through questioning and dialogue. We also use ‘Rising Stars PUMA’ termly tests from Y2-Y6 to track the attainment and progress of pupils, the outcomes of which form the basis for pupil progress meetings, which inform future teaching and interventions. Each teacher assesses their pupils against key performance indicators and work is peer moderated across the school and with our partner schools in the local authority.  Work scrutiny takes place termly, involving the full leadership team and governors take part in these sessions at least once per year.