Apply For A Place

Thank you for visiting our site and welcome to our village school tucked away in the heart of London.   

For an overview of our school we suggest you begin by reading our Head's Welcome. Also, please see google for parent reviews. 

School Tour and online meetings

Choosing a school for your child is an important decision.  One of the best ways to find out about a school is to visit it and we are offering tours with the Headteacher on Wednesday mornings throughout October, November and December.  Please book your place by emailing or calling us on 02074327320.


We currently accept a maximum of 28 children into our Reception class each September. For children requiring a school place at other times or in other year groups (known as in-year admissions), we will accept children where we have space.

If your child is due to start school in Reception class, please ensure you look at our Admissions Policy and visit the admission website for your home local authority to apply.  

If you would like your child to transfer to us mid-year or in any class above Reception, please call the school office (0207 432 7320) or email as soon as possible to enquire about availability of places in the year group.

There are a very few places available in classes 2, 3 and 4 (September 2021), but these are limited so please act quickly if you would like a place for your child.  In other year groups, please enquire and we can add you to our waiting list.