
Highlights from our Ofsted inspection (2019)

Teachers have high expectations of their pupils, and pupils appreciate the opportunities they get to challenge themselves.

The curriculum is interesting and engaging. Pupils’ work shows that they work hard in all the subjects they study.

Children get off to a good start in early years. Effective teaching and leadership ensure that children make good progress.

Changes introduced to teaching reading, writing and mathematics are having a positive impact across both key stages. New approaches are having a strong impact on pupils’ learning as a result.

Pupil premium funding has been used effectively to diminish the differences between eligible pupils and their classmates.

New approaches to teaching mathematics develop pupils’ learning well. They provide pupils with the chance to embed key knowledge and apply what they know, and this stimulates pupils’ curiosity.

There is highly effective support in place for pupils with SEND. They make good progress because they can access the content of the curriculum and because the additional support they receive is carefully tailored to their individual needs.

Pupils who speak English as an additional language are taught well. Those whose English is limited develop their reading, writing, speaking and listening with great confidence. This is because staff working with them are very positive and encouraging.

Pupils can reflect on and consider the impact of their actions. In class, pupils learn from their own mistakes and those of others. Consequently, pupils are readily willing to share their thinking in class without being worried about getting an answer wrong.

Leaders meet pupils’ pastoral needs as well as they meet their academic needs. This is evident in the school’s significant investment in ensuring the emotional well-being of their vulnerable pupils to enable them to access their learning in the daily work they do.

Relationships are highly positive throughout the school. Pupils trust their teachers and other adults. As a result, pupils feel safe.

Respect and tolerance are at the heart of this school. Leaders set a strong example, as every child and staff member is valued. One parent said: ‘The staff at Soho Parish School are highly committed to nurturing the individual child and as a result, each child here is unique and treated as such.

Please find our most recent inspections below

Ofsted report

SIAMs inspection