Sex & Relationships Education

Soho Parish Curriculum Statement: Sex and Relationship Education


At Soho Parish School we teach age-appropriate Sex and relationship Education sessions across the school for two reasons. One, because children have the right to know about their bodies and how they work and secondly, because it empowers and enables them to safeguard themselves against possible harm or abuse. 


Sex and Relationship Education is taught through three hour long sessions a year (four in Year 6) and in all classes from Reception to Year 6. All lessons are taken directly from the approved Christopher Winters Project scheme of work. 

At an age appropriate children are taught about the following topics in each year group:

  • Reception: Daily routines, person hygiene and different type of loving families 
  • Year 1: The concept of growing and changing, personal hygiene and different type of families  
  • Year 2: Identifying the physical differences between males and females using anatomical names for body parts 
  • Year 3: Exploring the physical differences between males and females, appropriate touch, privacy and permission and types of family
  • Year 4: The human life cycle and puberty 
  • Year 5: Physical and emotional changes associated with puberty and their impact  
  • Year 6: Puberty, reproduction, conception and pregnancy and relationships  


Although these session are not formally assessed teachers continued observations, and those carried about the subject leader, ensure that children understand what is being taught and that there aren’t any misconceptions going forward unaddressed. 

The impact of Sex and Relationship Education can also be seen in the pupils’ ability and confidence with which they talk about the subject and what they know and understand. 

Please click here for all our SRE teaching resources.