Relationships Education
Soho Parish Curriculum Statement Relationship Education
Relationship Education at Soho Parish focuses on teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive, healthy relationships including friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and adults. It also gives children the knowledge to identify and deal with less positive relationships and aims to develop children’s personal attributes such as honesty, integrity, courage and kindness.
Relationship Education is embedded throughout school life and explicit lessons are taught every other week.
Through age appropriate Relationship Education lessons children are given time to explore:
- The concept of Family (including different types of families), with a focus on how important all types of families are for children growing up because they can give love, security and stability
- Caring friendships and how to recognize and manage healthy and unhealthy friendships with others
- Respectful relationships, self-respect and the importance of respecting others with reference to bullying, stereotypes and permission-seeking (this also includes Online Relationships)
- How to keep themselves safe in relationships, how to recognise and report feelings of being unsafe and who to go to for help
We have the same high expectations for pupils’ outcomes and attainment in Relationship Education as we do for other curriculum areas. The curriculum in place allows teachers to plan opportunities to build on children’s knowledge and ensure that pupils of all abilities can access the learning and are suitable challenged.
Assessments in Relationship Education are largely based on children’s written work and teachers day to day in class assessments of children progress. Self-assessment and evaluation systems are also commonly used in Relationship Education to monitor children’s understanding.